Whats it all about?

Just pictures...and heaps less blah blah blah.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ah yes... the missing mojo...there you are!

That felt really good!
What can I say? Even though I have a real love of scrapbooking
 I've only completed a few layouts in the past year
and I was really worried that that was it....I'd lost that little fire of inspiration.
Then a friend put on facebook that she "liked" a particular page 
(hopefully I have a link here...scrapbookingfromtheinsideout.blogspot.com  and
Thanks Queen of Happy Endings...smile  
And what I found was a group of fellow scrappers
of awesome talent with styles I love
 and a passion for the journalling aspect of scrapbooking as well
...right up my alley.

So much inspiration and oh the joy of scrapbooking for me
 and not worrying about what I'm using...
yep I had a lovely time, and it felt soooo good.
I have so much stuff to use up and the more I looked the more I found
and still loved it as much as when I bought it.
And obviously the journalling will be personal and added later.
Hope you like?
Linda x


  1. Hi Linda,

    Love the layout ~ so great to hear you so inspired! Wonderful to see you've started a blog too :)

    Sharon x

  2. Thanks Sharon...I'm looking forward to your next class...so many facets of papercraft i love and Copics are a whole new passion lol see you soon
