Whats it all about?

Just pictures...and heaps less blah blah blah.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

focus forward

I don't know about you but I am easily distracted.
I know what I want to do, but sometimes a whole other scenario unfolds before me.
Would I like to spend each moment at my desk allowing the inspiration to soar?...oh yes!
But in the real world where I'm wife and mother and daughter and sister and friend... sometimes there are different proirities, and these will always come first.

Its hard to not feel frustrated...I know there are a lot of schools of thought at the moment to put YOU first and I do agree, up to a certain point. We should all exercise self care and embrace the times when we need to nurture our selves. But there is the flip of the coin where our needs are surpassed by our responsibilities.

The real truth is finding the happy balance.

Some where in the middle, taking time to care for our loved ones and fulfill our responsibilites. Then finding time to fill yourselve up with the things that will bring the joy in to all the other areas of your life.
I know that I am a better version of me when I have allowed myself time to be creative and lose myself in the world of my imagination.
It completes me, provides me with the fuel to drive through the other parts of my life...

And in the wonderful way our lives have, of finding that happy medium.....
The day to day responsibilities of my life give me the seeds of inspiration.
Watching little "cameo" people moments in the supermarket.
Seeing Father and Son together, the old rooster and the young rooster.
Hearing in her voice,the sound of contentment in my friends freshly healed heart.
A blossom in the garden that has emerged from the worst of weather.
These things bring me joy.

So I will happily wait for it. The moments when I can let loose with the true me.
There are always more ideas and inspiration coming.
Its never gone.....its just that....
I'm busy recharging.

Happy Easter to you all.
Linda x

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