My Uni adventure has started and its terrifying and exhilarating.
Its terrifying to take such a massive big step out of my comfort zone. I couldn't have chosen a more unfamiliar environment to plant myself. The task seems too huge as I look up from the bottom to the top of the mountain. There is even a strange acronym-language to learn. O.M.G!
Its exhilarating and exciting as these clever, funny, polished people steer us toward launch date in two weeks time. Slowly slowly they are laying down the plans, ideas and skills we'll need to just start. That bit of time management, study planning and note taking, the reading and writing of assignments. They are bringing us small step by small step to the point where its starting to fall into place. Ahhhh, thats what they're after! That makes sense! Oh I get it!
Amazingly we are coming to believe that yes we can! We can accomplish! Its gonna be hard, they say, but very achievable. This is how to work efficiently, this is your solid foundation.
And at home my darlings are rallying around.
After uni time is consumed with sorting out Insurance, bank stuff, budgets, plus the usual kitchen and laundry daily shenanigans. Its sorting itself out. These are foundations we are putting into place to make things run smoothly at home as well.
As part of my planning, even if its only an hour a week, time for me to play with paper ( and ink, and stamps, and paints and sparkle, and glues and embellishments and so on). Its what they recommend for healthy balance. To make sure you continue with social, and exercise and creativity/hobbies. All part of the learning process.
Hahahaha! For whatever reason. I'm on it! See you Saturday to show you Friday nights playing.
Well that's the PLAN!
Its all ticketyboo!
I remember when I first started and it is nerve racking but you're on it. The secret to success is being organised and by the sounds of it you're half way there. Once you get your groove it's pretty easy. Don't get me wrong, there are days when you'll wonder what you were thinking, but they are usually only around exam or assignment times and pass very quickly. Good luck, but you will rock at this and pretty soon you'll be wondering why you didn't do it years ago.