Whats it all about?

Just pictures...and heaps less blah blah blah.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Glamorous

Its still a work in progress but here is my Beautiful Aunty Marlene, well, at least a small glimpse as I will be teaching this is the next few weeks. This has been a wonderful jumble of goodies on my desk with a photo of my Aunty sitting on top for about a month...... and finally yesterday afternoon I had time to sit and assemble. There are still some last minute touches. A few paper roses to go with the Webster's Page's paper. Some nice and sparkly bling to make it pop off the page and then my favourite part, the journalling, the telling of  the story of the page.

Today I sit in on a card making class and just enjoy being with some lovely ladies, solving the problems of the world and relishing the simple joy of the 'gentle arts'. If I lived in a time of handsewing this would be a sewing bee.

The news today was all about bullying. There was mobile phone film of one boy being  hit by another at school and it had gone 'viral' on the internet. The world we live in so different now to the one we grew up in. We hold on to the belief that 'sanity'will prevail, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes really stinkin' things can happen to people that don't deserve it.

We seek, but seldom find, a place where our spirits can be nurtured. Where we can safely reveal our soft vulnerable underbelly and not fear that it will be torn to shreds. Where people care, where we are uplifted and not knocked down. Where we can lower our defences and just 'be'.

This is what my craft means to me and why i need to share it with others. When we gather together at a table and while our hands are busy, we can be comforted and offer comfort. Oh and at the end...there is a thing of beauty that we have created that can only bring joy to all you share it with.

Notice who else is walking the bumpy road with you today
And share a little sunshine with them.

Love Linda x

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